Dieter Rams

Dieter Rams was born in Wiesbaden in 1932. His grandfather was a carpenter, and Rams' early interest in the craft eventually led him to architecture in devastated post-war Germany.

He was made aware of the position by a clairvoyant friend and applied to Braun in 1955. Erwin and Artur Braun, who took over the company after their father's death, were in the process of radically modernizing the company and hired Rams to design the company's premises. At the time, Braun's design department was working closely with the Hochschule für Design Ulm together, among others with Hans Gugelot and Otl Aicher. Rams' talent was quickly recognized and included in the design work. From 1961 to 1995, Rams headed the design department at Braun. Together with his team, he was responsible for many groundbreaking electronic devices of the 20th century. Dieter Rams' dual career lasted until his retirement from Braun in 1997. He firmly believes that the best design comes from the close collaboration between entrepreneur and designer. He still works for Vitsœ to this day.

                                              Door and window handles designed by Dieter Rams

Door handle


Pictured example

ergonomic handle with thumb cut-out

with angular long plate for standard key

material handle: satin nickel plated zamak /plate: matt brushed stainless steel



Window handle


Pictured example

ergonomic handle with thumb cut-out

with rounded, invisibly fixed window rose

with 90° click stop device

material handle: satin nickel plated zamak / rose: matt brushed stainless steel



상호: 미뗌바우하우스 | 대표: 우수민 | 개인정보관리책임자: 우수민 | 전화: 02-749-2326 | 이메일: 

주소: 서울특별시 종로구 평창11길 20 B01 | 사업자등록번호: 176-17-00829 | 통신판매: 제2019-화성팔탄-0028

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